RFA Ethanol Podcast

Meet Marcus Spotts, iPod Owner

Chuck Zimmerman

Marcus and His iPodThe kind folks I met with this afternoon to talk about podcasting and how to apply it to their business and customers let me stay online for a few minutes after we got done. So I’m proud to introduce you to Marcus Spotts, Nora Springs, IA who won the New Holland “Down on the Farm” Classic iPod Keepsake Contest. I know we could have come up with a longer name for it if we had tried.

I only got to meet with Marcus, who is a corn and soybean grower, for a short time but I showed him how his brand new Apple Video iPod works and am really glad I had the opportunity. Marcus is already an iTunes user. He just needed an iPod to go along with it. It’s people like Marcus and his family who have made America great and this week we’re especially happy that a farmer won the contest. We had entries from advertising agencies, media companies, agribusinesses, member organizations and farmers like Marcus. It shows the truly comprehensive audience we’re building here at AgWired.

Thank you New Holland and everyone who entered.

Agribusiness, Commodity Classic