NAWG Keeps On Blogging

Chuck Zimmerman

NAWG LogoI’ve written about the NAWG Blog before and it’s time to write about it again. This time we have a new President who’s giving it a stab. He’s Dale Schuler from Carter, Montana. We met him at Commodity Classic.

The most recent NAWG Newsletter says “The NAWG Blog needs your help.” I think they want feedback and specifically comments on what’s written. They want this to be a two-way communication vehicle, which is exactly what it can be. However, the help needs to come from within first. The only post Dale has made was on Februray 21. Blogging requires more frequent and regular posting by an author with something to say. Post often enough and if you’ve got something people want to know about you’ll get your comments. Realize that most people will never post a comment. It doesn’t mean they aren’t reading though.

I can’t emphasize enough that you can’t write a post and realistically expect you’ll get lots of visitors who will write you lots of comments. Write lots of posts and over time you’ll generate traffic and interaction.

NAWG was the first national level farm group that I know of that sipped the blog koolaid as a friend of mine likes to say. Now we need to see the committment to post regularly so members get accustomed to seeing fresh information. The posts don’t have to be long carefully crafted essays. They need to come from the heart about the issues imprtant to organizational members. I know the messages are there and having met Dale I’ll bet he can write them. I would think in terms of “short, simple, regular.” That’s how the NAWG Blog can help itself!

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