2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

NAFB Foundation Internship Grant Recipients

Chuck Zimmerman

NAFB FoundationThe NAFB Foundation is a great program because it’s all about the future and helping the young people who will be a part of that future. It’s the kind of program I wish all organizations had. We have always supported it. Here’s who will be receiving grants from the foundation to help with their internships this year.

Three of the Nation’s best Farm Radio Stations have just been named by the National Association of Farm Broadcasting (NAFB) Foundation to receive the Foundation’s Farm Broadcast Student Internship Grants. Stations WMBD/WIRL, Peoria, Illinois; KRVN, Lexington, Nebraska; and KKOW, Pittsburg, Kansas, will each receive a grant of $1,000 to further develop their Farm Broadcast internship programs.

The program started in 1997 by the NAFB Foundation provides financial assistance to stations or networks that desire to hire and train a student intern in the profession of Farm Broadcasting. In addition to the $1,000 grant, NAFB Foundation will pay the intern registration fee to the 2006 Annual NAFB Convention in November for each of the winning stations and networks.