2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Back to the Real World

Chuck Zimmerman

Mary Irelan It’s back to the real world after a great stay in California. I got home around 10pm. Had a midterm at 9 the next morning and my first article do by Noon. Ahh the life of a busy college student. I hope everyone enjoyed the coverage on the Commodity Classic. I know I really enjoyed it and got a lot out of the whole experience. A big thank you to Tami Schilling, Mica DeLong, and everyone at Monsanto for sponsoring my trip. Also, thanks to Chuck Zimmerman for allowing me to blog on AgWired. I had a great time doing it. To everyone I met during Commodity Classic, thank you. You made my experience all the better for knowing you. I hope everyone has a safe and productive spring. Goodbye!

Commodity Classic