2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

World’s Fastest Omelet Maker Wow’s the Crowd!

Chuck Zimmerman

Mary Irelan Wow!! I was dazzled this morning by Howard Helmer, the World’s Fastest Omelet Maker. His secret? Two eggs and two tbl. of water. Here is his technique: Beat the eggs and water (salt and pepper if desired). In 10in. non-stick omelet pan over medium -high heat, heat butter until just hot enough to sizzle a drop of water. Pour in egg mixture. It should immediately start to sizzle. With an inverted pancake turner, push cooked portions from the edge of the pan so the uncooked portions can spill onto the hot pan surface. (Dig a hole, fill it up! Dig a hole fill it up!). Fill half of the omelet with desired ingredients and fold omelet in half. Flip over onto plate and serve! Mmm good!

He even did special omelets. One he put Ranch dressing in for more flavor. One he added wine, and one he caught on fire with wiskey. It was really neat to watch.

Well I’m really hungry now but luckily it is lunchtime so I get to eat. I am leaving right now to go to the beach!! This will be my first west coast experience and only third time seeing the ocean at all. I know, I know, I should get out more. Well I’m off for some fun in the sun but I will be back tonight to report on the Lorrie Morgan Concert that is happening at 8:30pm. Bye!

Commodity Classic