2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

There is Nothing Like Being an Ag Journalist

Chuck Zimmerman

Margy FischerAg Journalism – what is that? Well, my five-second explanation is it’s journalism with a focus on agriculture, the food system, and the life sciences.

The biggest appeal for me in Ag Journalism is the variety of issues impacting this industry.

Although I spent the last few days in Anaheim, California at the Commodity Classic with the focus of discussions on the corn, soybean and wheat industries, there are numerous topics impacted by these commodities. For example, the Secretary of Agriculture’s speech yesterday included comments about CAFTA, the Doha Round, river navigation, trade with China, the Farm Bill, soybean rust and biofuels.

Agriculture is united in the interest in technology, productivity, markets, and rural development. No matter where farmers are meeting, or where news is announced, the implications are global because of their breadth of influence.

Now who wouldn’t want to report on something like that?

Commodity Classic