2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

AgWired Designer Dinner

Chuck Zimmerman

Commodity Classic 43On my last evening before leaving Anaheim I had the pleasure of meeting the man who designed AgWired. You see, it’s been almost a year since AgWired debuted and I had never met him. Since that time, Robert has designed a number of blog sites for us and our clients. He’s one talented dude.

During a great supper we brainstormed a number of ways to improve on our growing list of ag-related blogs and podcasts. I’m excited about the possibilities and hope you will be too since we’re going to continue to push the envelope on new ways to communicate with the agricultural community.

Yep, his name is Robert Canales. He’s really one of the first members of the ZimmComm talent pool that we’ve put together to introduce you to the new media world. Thanks Robert for all your efforts and I can’t wait to show off more of your work.

Commodity Classic