2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

NAMA ADS Program Official

Chuck Zimmerman

NAMAHave you heard of the Agriculture Advertising Data Source? Me either. Until now. It’s the NAMA ADS program. Here’s what it’s all about:

The program’s goal is to provide NAMA members a means to obtain advertising placement data through an unbiased source. This source will allow client companies and their agencies to have better market intelligence and a rough estimate of media placement levels without compromising confidentiality.

The first phase of the program is focusing on crop protection products from 2005. If this program is successful it may be rolled out to other areas of media placement. The exchange of information will be mutually beneficial to each company participating and no rate information will be supplied.

What will the participants receive:

Compiled Electronic File of all data sorted by product, crop and publication
Summary reports including:
Percent of Weight by Media Type for Crop Protection as a whole
Percent of Weight by Media Type for individual product type
Percent of Weight by Media Type by Crop
Percent of Weight by Media Type by month for Crop Protection
Percent of Weight by Media Type by month for individual product type
Percent of Weight by Media Type by month for crop

At this time the program is open to any crop protection products seller. Data contributors pay a fee to access the complied data plus summary analysis. The fee is intended to defray the cost of compiling data and generating reports. Note: Under no circumstances will compiled data be distributed beyond the contributing members.

Interesting. I wonder if they’ll get the data they need. This sounds like a tough project to get off the ground. Although I can understand not wanting to divulge rate information, it seems like totals for different media categories would be nice.

Agencies, Agribusiness, NAMA