RFA Ethanol Podcast

Wichita Residents Embrace Ethanol

Chuck Zimmerman

Ethanol Promotion and Information CouncilThe Ethanol Promotion and Information Council has some promotion results to be proud of. This relatively new organization headed by Tom Slunecka just moved their offices to Omaha, NE. That hasn’t slowed them down any. The results of their promotional campaign in Wichita were just released today in the form of a Talking News Release on AgNewsWire.AgWired.com.

OMAHA, NE. (January 13, 2006 – AgNewsWire.AgWired.com) – Wichita, Kansas residents turned to ethanol-enriched fuel in record numbers this fall, according to recently released market data from a partnership promotion between Kwik Shop stores and the Ethanol Promotion and Information Council (EPIC).

According to Tom Slunecka (suh-Len-icka), EPIC executive director, the promotion first started by giving ethanol information to key leaders within the city, such as mechanics, auto dealers, politicians and community leaders. The information explained why ethanol is important to the city and how it would work in their automobiles and how it would clean the air. “This program was far more than just an advertising campaign, it was an integral part of the thought process within that town about how to maximize their economics from a regional basis as well as how to help their air quality there within their city.” (:16 ) (Download MP3 File epic-wichita-slunecka-cut3 (Full Release) (Word Doc)

Ag Groups, Audio, Ethanol