RFA Ethanol Podcast

NCGA Announces Yield Contest Winners

Chuck Zimmerman

National Corn Growers AssociationThe National Corn Yield Contest Winners have been announced by the National Corn Growers Association. The winning yields range from 351 to 232 bushels per acre.

Back when I was in farm broadcasting full time I had the chance to announce the winners of this contest at the Commodity Classic. That was an experience. It was an early breakfast and there are a lot of names to announce. You just have to assume you know how to pronounce them all.

I’d be happy to do it again if NCGA would like to have a farm podcaster on stage!

The 27 winners were among the 2,997 total entries from 47 states. Twelve states were represented among the 27 winners. Though the NCYC does not recognize an overall winner, the winning yields ranged from 351.6881 bushels per acre by Steve Albracht of Hart, Texas, to 232.4453 by Brenda Tanner of Union City, Tenn. This year, 11 contestants, including all three winners in the AA Non-irrigated and Irrigated classes, recorded yields of more than 300 bushels. The average bushels per acre among the 27 winners was 288. This year’s contest had a first: Kip Cullers of Purdy, Mo., became the first twin-row entrant to place in a category. Seventeen growers entered twin-row fields this year.

You can see a list of the winners on the NCBA website.

Ag Groups, Corn