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NAFB Changes Name

Chuck Zimmerman

National Association of Farm BroadcastersFarm broadcasters were busy last week at their convention. NAFB, Executive Director, Bill O’Neill just sent out a report that announces a new name for the organization. It’s now the National Association of Farm Broadcasting. This was done he says to better represent the “full inclusion of agribusinesses, marketing and communications agencies, farm organizations, and all “allied” providers who are integral to the business and marketplace of farm and rural lifestyle broadcasting.”

I’m interested to know how they define “broadcasting.” That word has traditionally meant over-the-air transmission of audio and video. How about those who only provide over the internet programming? Or how about those who also write for a print publication? The lines are certainly blurring!

Bill also announced “Your new NAFB Board representatives for 2006 are Chairperson Fred Stemme of the National Corn Growers Association, and Vice Chair Hugh Whaley of Osborn & Barr Communications. ” This is for the Allied Industry Council. He thanked Lyle Orwig for his 3 years of service.

Barry Nelson of John Deere’s Ag Division, Lenexa, Kan., was recognized for his dedicated support and leadership with the NAFB Meritorious Service Award. Lynn Ketelsen of Linder Farm Network, Owatonna, Minn., received the prestigious Farm Broadcaster of the Year honor.

Finally, the 2006 NAFB Convention is November 15-17, for the 34th year at the Westin Crown Center in Kansas City.