RFA Ethanol Podcast

The Big O Invites You To NAFB

Chuck Zimmerman

Orion SamuelsonMaybe this is the last NAFB convention audio invitation? Who knows. They just keep coming. With all this effort I’m expecting to see about 10,000 of you there next week. This one is from Orion Samuelson, who talks about the NAFB Foundation Auction. Orion has been a foundation supporter for a long time.

I remember meeting Orion for the first time at the Sunbelt Ag Expo in Moultrie, GA when he was announcing a John Deere demonstration. I knew right away my voice was way outclassed in the farm broadcasting field. He does have the pipes. BTW. I did just see an announcement about Orion and his ever faithful sidekick and broadcast partner, Max Armstrong, are starting a new weekly tv show on RFD-TV. Congratulations guys.

You can listen to Orion’s invitation here: Download MP3 File

Audio, NAFB