Web Check AgForLife

Chuck Zimmerman

AgForLifeI don’t know about you but it can be hard to find good qualified young people who want to enter an agricultural field of any kind today. The folks that run AgCareers.com have introduced a new initiative to do something about it. They’re doing it with a little bit of help too (“a grant from Altria and matching funds from Pioneer Hi-Bred International. Texas A&M University provided the resources for the visual model of the virtual career guide.”).

They hope that AgForLife will reach young people through a web site and partnerships with entrepreneurial youth groups.

“AgForLife will bring attention to the diverse career opportunities in agriculture, food and life sciences among middle school, high school and college students. The number of rural youth continues to shrink, so now we can send the message to young people who didn’t grow up on a farm, know little about agriculture or may have the wrong perception of what a job in agriculture entails,” explained Eric Spell, president of AgCareers.com.

Interestingly, the news release via email I received came with a 2 minute audio file in the form of a what I would call a feature story about the website. It’s great to see someone using audio when it comes to public relations! And the audio sounds good.

You can listen to the story here: Download MP3 File

For more information contact Erika Brandt, AgCareers, 800.672.8552.

Agribusiness, Internet