RFA Ethanol Podcast

Heads Up You Lonely Farmers

Chuck Zimmerman

Farmers OnlyThis is just too funny but serious. I just received a news release (through PR Web) for FarmersOnly.com, a dating service for farmers. I might have to do a ZimmCast with this guy. For now I’ll just leave it that I’ve brought it to your attention.

August 18, 2005 — FarmersOnly.com is the brainchild of Jerry Miller, owner of the marketing and public relations firm for the Alpaca Owners and Breeders Association. Jerry works with thousands of farms and ranches across the country. While talking to one of the farmers, Jerry made quite a discovery.

“A recently divorced farmer revealed that she was becoming frustrated with being single and the difficulty of meeting someone new.” Jerry recalled.

“I’m ready to give up!” She said. “How am I going to meet someone new if I am out in the middle of nowhere, working on a farm all day? Maybe I’ll try online dating.”

For more information Jerry wants you to visit the website.
