2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

New Ethanol Facts Consumer Website

Chuck Zimmerman

ethanolfacts.comWith all the different “facts” floating around in the media this last week or so the folks at the National Corn Growers Association decided to do something about it. They created a new website called Ethanolfacts.com. It’s just what it says it is, a clean easy-to-navigate site with facts in terms consumers can understand. We’ll see if consumers can find it now!

Ethanolfacts.com Provides Consumers with Comprehensive Source on Ethanol

ST. LOUIS (July 27, 2005) — During the past 20 years, American motorists have driven billions of hassle-free miles using ethanol-blended gasoline. Yet many questions about this growing fuel remain. A new web site, ethanolfacts.com, sets the record straight by offering consumers a single source of reliable information on this rapidly growing alternative to fossil fuels.

Ethanolfacts.com is an easy-to-use, comprehensive source of key ethanol informational links, as well as basic facts about ethanol and its benefits to the U.S. consumer.

For more information contact Mimi Ricketts, NCGA, 636-733-9004, Ext. 112.

Ag Groups, Ethanol