2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Publication News & Notes

Chuck Zimmerman

1. I got the following note from Robert Jan Fernhout, updating me on his re-location and new duties.

Dear Chuck,

thanks for your e-mail re: the blog, much appreciated.

I wanted to let you know I was transferred from The Netherlands to Chicago to represent various global agri magazines such as World Poultry, Feed Mix, Avicultura Profesional and Pig Progress. I will send you a press release soon on this.

Companies like Cargill, Novus International, Schering Plough, DSM, Pfizer, Alltech, Trouw Nutrition etc. etc. use our books as an integral part of their international communication. If you know of other US/Candadian based companies that want to target an international audience, I would be happy to advise them.

For more info go to Reed Business Information Inernational Agri- & Horticulture or AgriWorld.

I will keep you updated, attached is my latest newsletter.

Reed Business Information Masthead

Kind regards,


You’ll have to contact Robert about his newsletter. It’s a great looking piece but I just couldn’t publish it here.
