2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Agribusiness News & Notes

Chuck Zimmerman

1. Tamara Rozmarynowski sent in the following information from Wisconsin Public Service which you can link to:

The 45th Annual Wisconsin Public Service Farm Show

Wisconsin Public Service Enhances Web Site for Farm Customers

2. Novartis Animal Health News: ImmPact Guidelines for Vaccination and Beef Health Management Now Available

GREENSBORO, NC (March 28, 2005) – Keeping cattle healthy positively affects producers’ bottom lines. Knowing how to keep them healthy, however, isn’t always easy.

ImmPact Brochure Image

The ImmPact program includes vaccination recommendations, along with management practices, that can be utilized prior to when animals become increasingly susceptible to disease. To order the ImmPact program educational brochures, call
1-800-454-3424, ext. 358. Contact Joseph Burkett for more information.

Release submitted by Morgan & Myers, contact Tricia Falter.

3. Consistent Results a Select Sires Trademark

PLAIN CITY, Ohio, March 29, 2005 – Select Sires owns more Top-100 TPI high-reliability sires than any other A.I. company. Four of these bulls exceed 97% Rel. and each is a graduate of the Program for Genetic Advancement(TM) (PGA(TM)).


Fifteen Holsteins Newly Designated as “Excellent” at Select Sires

PLAIN CITY, Ohio, March 29, 2005 – A classifier from the Holstein Association USA officially designated 15 new bulls “Excellent” for conformation at Select Sires – seven of which received final scores of 90 points or more on their first score. Approximately 50 percent of Select’s active-A.I. lineup is now Excellent with 18 bulls scored higher than 93 points.

For more information contact Cathy Bewley or Beth Ertl

4. Beck’s receives initial license for Herculex™ Rootworm technologies

March 24, 2005 – Beck’s Hybrids of Atlanta, Indiana accepted an offer from
Dow AgroSciences LLC to be the initial licensee for Herculex™ RW Rootworm Protection and Herculex™ XTRA Insect Protection. Depending upon EPA registration, Herculex RW is expected to be launched for 2006 and Herculex XTRA launched for 2007. Beck’s is excited to offer these new combinations of top genetics and insect protection to their customers.

For more information contact Scott Beck.
