2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Tell Us What You Want To See

Chuck Zimmerman

We’d like to extend an invitation to submit articles, news releases, pictures and other announcements for possible publication on AgriMarketing Pros, your newest place to learn about what’s going on in the agri-marketing world. In fact, as far as we know it’s the only blog about our business.

We’re interested in what you’re interested in. Here’s some ideas:

New marketing campaign
Obtained a new client
Hired a new agency
Started a new publication
Doing something different
Changed your name
Gone on an adventure to a foreign country
Published a new book
Started a new website
Started a new business
Bought somebody
Been bought by somebody
Won any awards
Hired somebody
Fired somebody
Launched a new product
Started a new partnership
Rants and raves
Scheduled your next convention

You can use the old-fashioned mail system or fax machine or just put us in your address book to email us:

AgriMarketing Pros
1600 Skyview Dr.
Holts Summit, MO 65043
573-896-5842 (fax)
news@agwired.com (preferred)

Even if you don’t have anything to submit don’t forget to bookmark us or subscribe to our site feed with your news reader (we like NewsGator).

Look up AgriMarketing Pros at our booth at the upcoming NAMA convention.

Public Relations