2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Ag Media Summit – New This Summer

Chuck Zimmerman

I’m borrowing from the AAEA website for some of this post to help get the word out about the Ag Media Summit. Here’s what they had to say:

The Steering Committee of the Agricultural Publications Summit (APS) has voted unanimously to change the name of the annual professional development conference to the Agricultural Media Summit (AMS).

“Our members are involved in much more than publications today, including Web sites, radio and television,” said Betsy Freese, APS chairman and livestock editor of Successful Farming. “The new name better reflects the mission of our alliance of organizations.”

The AMS is a limited partnership of the American Agricultural Editors’ Association (AAEA), Livestock Publications Council (LPC) and AgriCouncil of the Association of Business Media Companies. It will continue to feature professional development sessions in all phases of ag media, as well as an ever expanding Info-Expo trade show.

The first Summit was held in 1999. Approximately 400 members of the ag communications industry attend the annual event.

The 2005 Agricultural Media Summit will be held July 31 to Aug. 3 in Milwaukee.

In addition to the name change, Freese announced that AMS will launch a new interactive Web site that will provide updates on programs, speakers, exhibitors, sponsors and registration. The site, which is still under construction, will be located at www.agmediasummit.com.

The website isn’t currently active but should be in the near future.

ZimmComm will be attending and of course blogging through it. Ag communications professionals should plan to attend. This was a great event in 2004 !

Ag Media Summit