G10 Countries Express Trade Concerns

Chuck Zimmerman

As we get closer to the Hong Kong Ministerial of the WTO the rhetoric is heating up. Ag groups here in the United States have sure been sending out the “position” releases. I have to call them that since I’m not sure I would use the word news to describe the content of a lot of the ones I see. They are informative though for reporters, most of which probably don’t “use” them other than for background information.


ScanControl In The Palm of your Hand

Chuck Zimmerman

Scan ControlAt first glance the news about ScanControl’s service and software enhancements is pretty difficult to digest. Pretty technical language for one thing and lots of it. That’s why I was very glad to see that they included a link to a flash demo. Pictures speak a thousand words or at least make something like this easier to understand!


Soybean Sun Protection

Chuck Zimmerman

ARS Photo - Soybean PlantThis is an interesting story since it was put out by the USDA’s Agricultural Research Service. I can’t find this iSOY Technology Corporation online anywhere though. It’s nice that they’ve made this announcement but it leaves you with very little information and in my quick search I couldn’t find much either.


Russell Graves, Photographer

Chuck Zimmerman

I’ve been meaning to write about Russell Graves for a while. Finding out that he’s blogging forced me to go ahead. I’ve been receiving his newsletter and am very impressed with his photography and writing. Now you can find him at RussellGraves.com Updates. I’m not posting any pictures because I think you need to go there to see what he does for yourself. If you want the full meal deal then visit his website for an extensive stock photo collection. Here’s what his profile says:
