RFA Ethanol Podcast

Partnerships Help Farmers Handle Digital Information

Carrie Muehling

Helping farmers to solve challenges that exist with precision agriculture and large amounts of data is a constant focus for Lane Arthur, who leads the Digital Solutions group for John Deere. Arthur said once data leaves one of the company’s machines, it is his group who manages that information.

“The reality is, farmers don’t farm alone. They need a lot of partners. They need a lot of people to work together,” said Arthur. “Long term, the way we see this is farmers will be able to customize their software the way they want through these connected software companies.”

Arthur said the Develop with Deere conference continues to grow in a couple of ways. The first is the actual number of connected software companies attending. The second is the depth of knowledge and the value of information that they bring to John Deere customers.

Listen to Chuck’s interview with Lane here: Interview with Lane Arthur, John Deere

2019 Develop with Deere Conference Photo Album

AgWired Precision, Audio, John Deere