2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Basse was Back at #ASTACSS

Cindy Zimmerman

Dan Basse, Ag Resource, returned to the ASTA 2018 CSS and Seed Expo for the 6th year in a row to deliver his insights on the intersection of economics and agriculture.

Some of Basse’s comments included:
Population growth slowing – 9 billion people now about 2054
When you look at population growth, it’s all about Africa
Black swan event for 2018 in grain markets was US trade sanctions on China
World debt record large, and growing
China ethanol production is global demand driver, expects they will start importing corn in 2021-22
US corn and soybean costs estimated to be 2-4% higher in 2019

“Our future is tied to unfettered trade throughout the world going forward,” Basse said. “I’m not trying to be political but free trade helps the world going forward.”

Listen to his entire presentation here:

ASTACSS18 Dan Basse, Ag Resource, presentation

In my interview with Basse, one of the questions I asked was what has changed most in the six years he has been presenting at ASTA CSS:
ASTACSS18 Interview with Dan Basse, Ag Resource

2018 ASTA CSS and Seed Expo

ASTA, Audio, Corn