2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Research Positive for Lamb Industry

Carrie Muehling

The future for the U.S. lamb industry is bright, according to Ohio sheep producer Jim Percival, current chair of the American Lamb Board.

“One of the big things that our research has showed us is that the Millennials are truly lovers of lamb,” said Percival. “They like the adventurous eating part of lamb. They like that taste. They love the texture. They love the fact that lamb is juicy and good and they like the portion sizes. With lamb you’re getting a little bit different there, and they like the nutritious benefits, also.”

Percival said U.S. demand for lamb is growing by about two percent each year, and the export market to Japan recently opened up for the first time since the BSE scare several years ago. He said lamb is a diverse, premium protein that is also extremely lean. Percival participated in Trade Talk at the 2018 National Association of Farm Broadcasting Convention in Kansas City.

Listen to Cindy’s interview with Jim here: NAFB18 Interview with Jim Percival, American Lamb Board chair

2018 National Association of Farm Broadcasting Convention Photo Album

AgWired Animal, Audio, Lamb, NAFB, Sheep