RFA Ethanol Podcast

Can-Am Talks Outdoors at NAFB Convention

Chuck Zimmerman

There is a new Defender in town and I have personal experience to tell you it is an awesome one. It is a Can-Am Outdoors Mossy Oak Edition Defender. With a 72 hp Rotax HD10 V-Twin engine it delivers both response and loads of low-down torque for active, sport-oriented riding that hauls.

My hunting club is using one of these vehicles for our annual deer hunt in Georgia. That season goes through mid-January and I’ll be back out there a couple more times before the end of the year. My first trip included deer sightings but no meat in the freezer. By the way, we also started hunting feral hogs a couple years ago after the nasty things showed up to rob corn from our feeders. We’ve harvested a few select ones but our goal is to at least try to reduce their numbers. But I digress from the story of the Defender.

During the 2018 NAFB Convention Trade Talk session I spoke with Can-Am representative Andrew Howard. Andrew is pictured sitting on the Outlander that was on display. Andrew says that Can-Am has a lot of new features and packages for both the Defender and Outlander lines of off road vehicles. There and many accessories that can make these into work horses on or off the farm.

When it comes to farm work Can-Am is making products that are very durable and suited for hard work while also providing serious comfort for the driver. Both Can-Am and their dealers offer financing options for people who need it. You can build your own by just going to the company website.

Listen to my interview with Andrew here: Interview with Andrew Howard, Can-Am

2018 National Association of Farm Broadcasting Convention Photo Album

Audio, Can-Am, NAFB