2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Deere Adds to Tillage Lineup

Carrie Muehling

John Deere featured its 2680H High-Performance Disk at the 2018 Farm Progress Show.

For use in both spring and fall, the equipment boasts a productive top speed of 14 miles per hour and compact transport dimensions for ease of transitioning on the roadways. The medium to high intensity disk will incorporate more residue into the soil, allowing it to break down more quickly, according to Paul Richardel with John Deere.

“This was a tool that we were really proud to announce alongside of our 2660VT, knowing that both of these tools are engaging in different parts of the market from low to medium intensity. This tool, the 2680H, is addressing the medium to high intensity. We really wanted to show how they complement each other but really they’re different and are addressing different parts of our market,” said Richardel.

Options for operators include 15 different models ranging from 8-foot to 45-foot wide for use in multiple applications from orchards to row crops and commercial agriculture. The 2680H high-performance disk will be available for order beginning in the spring of 2019.

Listen to Chuck’s interview with Paul here: FPS 18 Deere 2680H High-Performance Disk Interview with Paul Richardel

Deere at FPS18 Photo Album

2018 Farm Progress Show Photo Album

AgWired Precision, Audio, Farm Progress Show, John Deere