2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Deere Adds New Tillage Models

Cindy Zimmerman

John Deere introduced a number of new product offerings at the 2018 Farm Progress Show, including the new 2660VT Variable-Intensity Tillage Tool.

Paul Richardel, Deere Product Line Marketing Manager for Tillage, was excited to talk about the new 2660VT with its adjustable gang angle that features an all-new frame and the right amount of weight per blade to handle a wide range of soil, crop residue and field conditions at operating speeds up to 10 miles per hour.

Specifically for the 2660VT, Deere is introducing the exclusive 22-inch (55.8 cm), heavy-duty Commander™ Blade with its double-cut edge to more easily penetrate hard soils and size and mix residue. This wavy straight blade on 7.25-inch (18.4 cm) spacings has a serrated edge and shallow concavity to fracture and lift hard soils with less smearing and is designed for low-draft tillage at maximum field speeds.

Richardel talks about the 2660VT in this interview. FPS 18 John Deere 2660VT Interview with Paul Richardel

John Deere at the 2018 Farm Progress Show

Content Creation at the Farm Progress Show brought to you by Farm Progress Show content creation courtesy of John DeereCoverage of the Farm Progress Show is sponsored by GrowmarkCoverage of the Farm Progress Show is sponsored by Bayer CropScience
AgWired Precision, Audio, Farm Progress Show, John Deere