2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

A KEENAN InTouch Testimonial

Jamie Johansen

Moloney Dairy in Borris, County Carlow, Ireland was one stop during the Alltech KEENAN Great Green Getaway. Mark Moloney, KEENAN Southeast Ireland InTouch Feeding Specialist, opened his family farm to our U.S. group to share how the recent adoption of the KEENAN InTouch system has yielded quick results. They not only opened their farmgate but their actually home. Gail-force winds and rain pounded County Carlow and in order to actually hear each other for an intervew, we gathered in the Moloney home for tea and a chat.

Mark has between 80-100 customers in his territory. His goal is to see four farmers every day. There he checks body condition on cows, formulates diets and helps increase overall production of the herd. One fairly new customer is his father, Michiel Moloney.

“November 2016 we bought a KEENAN with the InTouch controller. Since then, we have seen the cows come up 500 liters per cow, 4.2 in butterfat, 3.5 protein. We pretty much had the machine paid for in the first year,” Mark said.

We were in Ireland in mid-March. A time of which you would typically see all the cows back out on grass. But this winter was not typical. Heavy snows created added moisture and fields were just too wet. In fact, the day we flew home, Dublin was getting more snow. However, farmers like the Moloney’s who utilize the InTouch controller truly have more control over their inputs, maximizing their bottom line even during challenging times.

Listen to our complete conversation to learn more about their results with the KEENAN InTouch system and what sets U.S. dairies and Irish dairies apart here: Interview with Mark Moloney, KEENAN InTouch Feeding Specialist

Alltech KEENAN Great Green Getaway Photo Album

Agribusiness, AgWired Animal, Alltech, Animal Agriculture, Audio, Dairy, KEENAN, Nutrition, Video