2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

The KEENAN, Farmer Relationship

Jamie Johansen

Paul McVeigh, KEENAN feeding specialist who covers the Midlands and West Ireland, is in the relationship business. He travels his territory in Ireland getting to know the farmers which enables him to implement a plan of action for complete optimization of KEENAN In-Touch. I was able to learn more about KEENAN Systems on the farm during the Alltech KEENAN Great Green Getaway.

“My day-to-day is going out and setting up the In-Touch KEENAN system with the farmers. We set the goals they want to try and accomplish. I conduct an on-farm appraisal, look at every aspect of their nutrition and dietary needs, where they have come from, where they want to go and then we actually put a plan into place on how we want to get there,” McVeigh said.

He stressed that his job is not to sell products, but to deliver results on the farm. And that is the same for his colleagues around the world. When it comes to cow nutrition, it doesn’t matter what country you are in. A rumen is a rumen. “The slight difference in Ireland is the seasonality and our ability to grow grass. That is our competitive advantage. We can’t lose sight of that. Our goal is to get the cheapest, quality grass into the diet as possible,” McVeigh said.

Listen to my complete interview with Paul to hear him share examples of ways he has worked with farmers helping them improve their bottom line. Interview with Paul McVeigh, KEENAN Systems

Alltech KEENAN Great Green Getaway Photo Album

Agribusiness, AgWired Animal, Alltech, Audio, Dairy, KEENAN, Nutrition, Video