2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

The Future of Eating Digitally

Carrie Muehling

Caleb Harper describes himself as an anti-disciplinary person who did not succeed in the traditional school setting. But his ideas and his curious mind eventually landed him at MIT, where he now is Principal Investigator and Director of the Open Agriculture (Open Ag) Initiative at the MIT Media Lab.

Harper addressed 100 youth in attendance at the 2017 Youth Ag Summit with a message about the fourth ag revolution and eating digitally. He talked about climate democracy, sharing that today’s world contains the access to data and computing power that could allow the creation of climates for agriculture in places where those don’t already exist. Harper says the face of the next generation farmer is also important.

“People totally undervalue and just don’t understand how incredibly complex the world of agriculture is. So, incentivizing that young person to even think there is the potential for a career out there is part of what I love doing,” Harper said.

Harper encouraged young people to stop talking and start creating.

Hear more of Jamie’s interview with Caleb Harper here: Interview with Caleb Harper, MIT Media Lab

View and download photos from the event here: 2017 Youth Ag Summit Photo Album

AgWired Animal, Audio, Bayer