2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

What Works, What Doesn’t in Conservation

Kelly Marshall

As part of the Agri-Pulse Farm Bill Summit, Sara Wyant moderated the panel “Conservation- What Works, What Doesn’t.” Panel participants included: Tina May, Sr. Director of Sustainability, Land O’Lakes; Eric Lindstrom, National Manager of Agriculture Policy, Ducks Unlimited; Suzy Friedman, Sr. Director of Agriculture Sustainability, Environmental Defense Fund; Dave White, Co-Founder/Partner, 9-B Group; and Anne Simmons, Democratic Staff Director, House Agriculture Committee.

The group discussed the transition of conservation programs we found in the 80s to the evolution of the public and private conservation of today.

“I’ll tell you what’s working,” Dave White answered Wyant’s question. “It’s voluntary, inventive-based private land conservation. We’ve seen some phenomenal things.”

You can listen to the full panel discussion here: Conservation- What's Working, What Doesn't Panel

Photos can be found on the Agri-Pulse website.
Agri-Pulse Farm Bill Summit photos

Ag Day, Agri-Pulse, Agribusiness, Audio, Conservation