RFA Ethanol Podcast

DuPont Pioneer Virtual Pressers Unveil New Products

Cindy Zimmerman

With the theme of “Innovation Elevates Performance for Growers,” DuPont Pioneer used virtual press conferences this week to unveil new corn and soybean products by region, and pulled it off with technical perfection! Technical issues are common even in simple telephone press conferences, so it was amazing to see one incorporate a phone feed with a live web feed including slides and live web camera feeds of both the presenters and the media participants. Congrats to Susan Mantey and the DuPont Pioneer communications team for taking PR to a new level!

The news is that Pioneer is launching 54 new A-Series soybeans for North America; and 53 new top-yielding corn products as part of its expanded lineup for 2017 spring planting. We were plugged in to the Delta/Southeast regional presentation of the dual nationwide announcements for corn and soybeans so it focused on those products best suited for that region of the country.

Listen to it here and follow along with the powerpoint: DuPont Pioneer Virtual Presser

Audio, Corn, Pioneer, Soybean