2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Roberts Honored as First Canadian IFAJ President

Kelly Marshall

cfwf-16-robertsMembers of the Canadian Farm Writers Federation (CFWF) had cause to celebrate as they honored Owen Roberts at their recent annual conference. Special recognition was given to Roberts as the first Canadian president of the International Federation of Agricultural Journalists (IFAJ).

His award was presented by Allison Finnimore and Trevor Bacque, who outlined his many career accomplishment.

Owen Roberts first served as the CFWF voice on the IFAJ Executive Committee. From there he was elected as Secretary General in 2009, followed by a position of Vice President in 2012. His leadership was instrumental in the growth of IFAJ; he saw the addition of their first staff member and was part of the development as the organization grew from 25 member countries to 41. Roberts oversaw the rewrite of three constitutional changes and helped bring IFAJ to Canada in 2011. But of all his accomplishments, Roberts himself is the most pleased with his work with the youth.

“We knew, way back when, that we had to have an emphasis on youth, and that has always been what I thought was an imperative part of Farm Writers,” Roberts told the audience as he accepted his recognition. “To develop young members, to have professional development as our foundation, for people like Trevor and so many others who have come along as Farm Writers and have embrace the culture we’ve tried to create. Makes me feel so good about the future of Farm Writers.”

You can hear Owen Robert’s acceptance remarks here:  Owen Roberts- President, IFAJ

2016 Canadian Farm Writers Federation Conference Photo Album

Coverage of the Canadian Farm Writers Federation 2016 Conference is sponsored by
Coverage of the Canadian Farm Writers Federation 2016 Conference is sponsored by Case IH
Audio, IFAJ, Journalism