RFA Ethanol Podcast

#IFAJ2016 Tour – Part 10 – Bayer Bee Habitat

Chuck Zimmerman

Bayer Bee HotelYou might think bees just live in hives. You would be wrong. They live all over the place. I got some up close and personal looks at this during the IFAJ Bayer Tour that included having Dr. Patrick Lind, employed at FlächenAgentur Rheinland GmbH, show us different places and reasons for bee habitat on the Damianshof Farm.

There are a wide variety of wild bees and on this Bayer ForwardFarming partner farm you’ll get to see bee nesting boxes (bee hotels) and places where they lay eggs into dirt walls. There are flowering strips surrounding or between different fields on this farm to promote biodiversity. They are planted with perennial and annual flowers to provide food for bees as well as other forms of wildlife.

You can listen to the presentation here or watch below: Dr. Patrick Lind, FlächenAgentur Rheinland GmbH - Bee Habitat

2016 IFAJ Congress Photo Album

Coverage of the IFAJ Congress is sponsored by Coverage of the IFAJ Congress is sponsored by Bayer
Agribusiness, Audio, Bayer, Bees, IFAJ, International, Video