2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

#IFAJ2016 Bayer Tour – Part 6 – Application Technology

Chuck Zimmerman

Dr. Reinhard FriesslebenYou don’t usually think of Bayer CropScience as an application equipment company but did you know that the company does a lot of work with machinery manufacturers, supporting them in ways like the development of environmentally friendly spray technology. The team for this is lead by Dr. Reinhard Friessleben, Head of Bayer’s Application Technology. He along with Armin Lind, Application Technology Manager, gave a demonstration with some products they are working on during the IFAJ Congress in Germany.

One of the products you’ll see demonstrated is the easyFlow closed transfer system developed by Bayer and agrotop, a German mid-sized company that specializes in professional agricultural spray technology. It is a manufacturer independent way to transfer products that can be adapted to most existing spray equipment.

This is part six of my series from the tours I did with Bayer during the annual event. Besides what you will see and hear from this presentation I have more to come on drift-reducing nozzles. That will be the next episode.

You can listen to the presentation here or watch below: Dr. Reinhard Friessleben & Armin Lind Presentation

2016 IFAJ Congress Photo Album

Coverage of the IFAJ Congress is sponsored by Coverage of the IFAJ Congress is sponsored by Bayer
Agribusiness, Audio, Bayer, IFAJ, Technology, Video