2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Miloud Araba talks Ethanol at #CUTC16

Kelly Marshall

cutc-16-araba-interviewed Miloud Araba is the head of technical services for the Enogen group at Syngenta. This week he spoke at the Corn Utilization Technology Conference, talking about the enzyme technology that creates corn grown for ethanol.

Araba says that Enogen is working with its longtime partner, Quad County Corn Processors to introduce Cellerate, a new process technology designed to enable dry grind ethanol plants to convert corn kernel fiber into advanced and cellulosic ethanol, increasing a plant’s ethanol production. “You’re not only bringing value to the ethanol plant, you’re bringing value to the farmer – the corn grower,” Araba explains. “In this case you’ve turned the farmer not only into a corn provider, but also an enzyme provider.  And so this is what we like to call a win, win, win. A win for the community, a win for the farmer, and also a win for the ethanol plant.”

He is also hearing a positive response from participants at the conference because of the simplicity of the process.  Technologies do not have to be complex to bring a lot of value is the resounding theme.

Listen to Chuck’s full interview here: Interview with Miloud Araba, Syngenta

Check out pictures from the conference: 2016 CUTC Photo Album

Agribusiness, Audio, Corn, Ethanol, Syngenta