2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

New Verdesian Seed Treatments

Joanna Schroeder

Verdesian is taking seed treatment to the next level with the latest, tweak if you will, of Take Off ST and Tuxedo. To learn more, I visited with Jim Pullens during the Farm Progress Show. He explained they have adapted Take Off ST to fit their seed treatment philosophy by getting the rates down so low that it doesn’t overload the seed with too much material.

Jim PullensPullens said that they have a group of growers that used Take Off ST on their winter wheat last year and they’ve been getting calls from these growers saying the fields that had Take Off were their best fields. In fact, he said, a Virginian farmer who won best wheat crop this year used Take Off on the winning field.

“We really think this is a way for farmers to boost their yields with a product that is easy to use and relatively lost cost, especially for a low project crop like winter wheat,” said Pullens.

Another “neat technology” explained Pullens is their new Tuxedo product. “We’re utilizing our patented polymer technology that we’ve used in the past to protect micronutrients from binding in the soil,” he said. “Micronutrients are very important for us to get yields.”

For example, Pullen explained that they apply the product to seed such as cereals. Zinc is a big factor for cereal crops and they can apply as much zinc in the seed treatment for a grower to get the results he needs. “So we think it’s a more efficient way to get those nutrients to the crop to get the yield response they want to achieve,” Pullen added. A targeted version of Tuxedo is also available for soybeans.

Learn more Take Off SP and Tuxedo by listening to my interview with Jim Pullens: Interview with Jim Pullens, Verdesian

View and download photos from the event here: 2015 Farm Progress Show Photo Album

Coverage of the 2015 Farm Progress Show is sponsored by Coverage of the 2015 Farm Progress Show is sponsored by John DeereCoverage of the 2015 Farm Progress Show is sponsored by GrowmarkCoverage of the 2015 Farm Progress Show is sponsored by Bayer CropScience
Agribusiness, Audio, Farm Progress Show, Seed, Verdesian