2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Farm Bureau Distinguished Service Awards

Cindy Zimmerman

The American Farm Bureau Federation recognized Don Borgman and Dr. Temple Grandin for their distinguished service to agriculture during the organization’s 96th annual convention Sunday in San Diego.

afbf15-borgmanBoth farmer and industry executive, Don Borgman has been a strong advocate for agriculture for over 40 years. A third-generation corn and soybean farmer from Missouri, Borgman continued to manage his farm while working full-time for John Deere. He retired last year as director of ag industry relations, where he played an integral role in the company’s efforts to support and promote renewable energy sources. Borgman was recognized early last year for his work by the National Biodiesel Board with a lifetime achievement award. AFBF distinguished service award winner Don Borgman comments

afbf15-templeDr. Temple Grandin has dedicated her life to improving animal welfare and handling. One of the most successful people in the world with autism, Grandin is the leading authority on farm animal behavior. Her unique ability to visualize from the animal’s perspective led her to design livestock processing systems which are more humane and efficient. Her systems for reducing animal stress in processing plants are being used throughout the country—and around the world. Grandin also developed an objective scoring system for assessing and handling cattle and pigs at meat plants. A number of major corporations now use this scorecard to help improve animal welfare. AFBF distinguished service award winner Temple Grandin comments
2015 AFBF Convention photo album

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