2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

2015 Interest Rates for Rural America

Jamie Johansen

15821157975_fcca025115_zBrian O’Keane, Executive Vice President of AgriBank, spoke with our intern, Taylor Truckey, during Trade Talk at the 2014 National Association of Farm Broadcasting’s annual meeting. AgriBank is one of four banks in the Farm Credit system. Their main priority is accessing capital from Wall Street and making that available for borrowers in rural America.

“If you look at the last few years borrowers in ag have been beneficiaries of a high commodity prices and historically low interest rate environments. That has created opportunities for those customers to manage and instill some discipline in their operation.”

Looking into 2015, Brian said interest rates will likely start rising due to the fact they are so low now. But, by how much? Brian and his colleagues expect about half a percent within the next year, over one percent in two years and two or more in three years.

In Taylor’s complete interview with Brian, he discusses products and services they offer to help their clients manage risk in this ever-changing environment. Interview with Brian O’Keane, AgriBank

Find photos from the event here:
2014 NAFB Convention Photos

Agribusiness, Audio, Farm Credit, NAFB