2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

BASF Talks Engenia at NAFB

Cindy Zimmerman

nafb14-basf-chadChad Brommer is a biologist by training who is more comfortable in a lab coat than a suit and tie. But, BASF recently tapped Chad for a new role as technical market manager for Engenia herbicide, which he has helped to develop over the last several years.

“I’m really in a unique position and happy to be here in a different role,” said Chad during an interview at the National Association of Farm Broadcasting convention. “The previous five years I’ve spent with a team of scientists in the United States and Germany developing what is now Engenia, the newest form of dicamba that we have at BASF.”

Engenia herbicide has been developed to control 190 different broadleaf weeds and when it hits the market it will be available for both dicamba-tolerant soybeans and cotton. “So with the really difficult glyphosate-resistant broadleaf weed problems we’ve seen in the south and in the Midwest, this is a great new tool that will allow growers to apply a post-emergence herbicide and completely take out weeds like palmer amaranth or waterhemp,” Chad says.

BASF is anticipating Engenia will be available for dicamba-tolerant cotton next year and soybeans in 2016. Learn more in this interview with Chad: Interview with Chad Brommer, BASF
2014 NAFB Convention Photos

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NAFB Convention is sponsored by BASF
Audio, BASF, Crop Protection, NAFB, weed management