Brian Winnekins is the 2015 president-elect for National Association of Farm Broadcasting. Brian hails from Wisconsin and is not only a farm broadcaster, but also the owner of Reel Country 1430AM in Durand. Brian and his wife Karla put the station back on the air in 2011 and he says things are going well there.
Brian’s job for 2015 with NAFB is planning next year’s convention and I had a chance to sit down and talk with him Friday night after the presidential banquet about what the future holds for him.Interview with Brian Winnekins, NAFB President-elect
Tony St. James is a 32-year broadcasting veteran & farm broadcaster on All Ag, All Day (900AM Lubbock-Floydada, TX & 800AM Amarillo-Dumas, TX) and the new NAFB vice-president for 2015. Tony threw his hat in the ring as a contender later in the game and was nominated from the floor. He’s been a member of NAFB for the last 10 years and says things are changing in the way that we communicate with our audience and he’s very excited about the opportunity to represent farm broadcasters moving into the future.
Tony’s been involved as a farm broadcaster for many years but it wasn’t until a rule change ten years ago that he was accepted into broadcast council as an owner. He had to leave the convention early to get back to work, but I caught up with him back home in his Texas studios. Interview with Tony St. James, NAFB Vice-President