2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

NAFB Panel Focuses on Integrating Tech in Ag

Taylor Truckey

15589994127_6c2982477a_zThe 71st Annual NAFB Convention brought together a panel of industry members to discuss integrating technology into the agriculture industry. Sitting on the panel were Dave Rhylander, IFS Lead – Monsanto, Matt Waits, CEO – SST Technologies, Rachelle Thibert, Integrated Solutions Manager – John Deere, and Ron LeMay, Founder and CEO – FarmLink.

The consensus was that data-driven performance tools are here to stay; many current industry products are focused on providing farmers with applicable information that is based purely on the collection, aggregation and distribution of data.

“There are enormous opportunities and needs to improve productivity through better management of data.” Ron Lemay continued, “The benefits to farmers associated with big data include the ability to aggregate data from a number of farmers and to turn that information or data into knowledge, and then into tools that can improve the productivity of the farmer.”

Listen to my complete interview with Ron here: Ron LeMay, FarmLink15773808045_be0ca8a4b2_z

Cindy spoke with Matt Waits about some of the key points he wanted to make to farm broadcasters in attendance. “We wanted to talk about how we integrate technology into the ag market. But the thing we are most excited about it the ability to improve decision making on the farm.”

Listen to Cindy’s complete interview with Matt here: Matt Waits, SST

You can find photos from the event here:
2014 NAFB Convention Photos

Coverage of NAFB Convention is sponsored by
Coverage of NAFB Convention is sponsored by BASF
Audio, NAFB, Precision Agriculture