RFA Ethanol Podcast

Meet the New USFRA Faces

Cindy Zimmerman

nafb14-usfra-facesAt the National Association of Farm Broadcasting (NAFB) convention on Wednesday, the U.S. Farmers & Ranchers Alliance (USFRA®) announced the winners of its second class of the Faces of Farming and Ranching program.

The new “Faces” are (pictured left to right) Thomas Titus of Illinois, Jay Hill of New Mexico, Erin Brenneman of Iowa, Carla Wardin of Michigan, and Darrell Glaser of Texas. The class will be active participants in the national dialogue about food production to set the record straight. These farmers and ranchers will share their personal stories and experiences through consumer-facing public appearances, events, media interviews and social media.

Listen to Forrest Roberts of the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA) introduce the new faces and hear them talk about their farming operations and why they wanted to be part of this program to help educate the public about agriculture: New USFRA Faces of Farming and Ranching

2014 NAFB Convention Photos

Coverage of NAFB Convention is sponsored by
Coverage of NAFB Convention is sponsored by BASF
Audio, Farming, NAFB, USFRA