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2014 IFAJ Congress Wrap

Chuck Zimmerman

ZimmCast 450I’m calling on all AAEA, LPC, NAAJ and NAFB members to put the annual IFAJ Congress on your calendars. In October 2015 it will be in New Zealand!

Adrian Bell and Jane CragieBut let’s take a listen to some information about last week’s Congress in Scotland. First up in the program is opening remarks from the British Guild of Agricultural Journalists’ Jane Cragie. Then you can get a wrap up interview with Congress Chair Adrian Bell. They are both pictured here at the closing Gala Banquet. You’ll have to ask Adrian about the cap.

This year’s Congress seemed to have more first-timers than I can recall. That’s a good sign. I don’t know what the exact final total of attendees was but approximately 220 is close enough.

Listen in to this week’s program here: 2014 IFAJ Congress

2014 IFAJ Congress Photo Album

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