2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Grower Recommendations from FMC

Chuck Zimmerman

FMC Len DobbinsThe Golden ZimmComm Microphone got a good workout during the Ag Media Summit. Thanks to Paul Redhage, FMC, for taking this photo of me interviewing Len Dobbins, eBusiness/CRM Manager at FMC Corporation. I think Len has a little bit of the AgNerd in him. In our interview we talked about responsive website design for example.

I asked him what FMC offers to growers who are getting close to the end of another season. He says that weeds and weed control is really a big issue that has been of more concern than ever with the weed resistance we’ve been seeing. Of course starting out with a clean field in the spring is critical. So he recommends applying a product like one of FMC’s Authority brands in the fall to take care of winter annuals. This will give growers more flexibility with the timing of their pre-emerge treatments in the spring.

You can listen to my interview with Len here: Interview with Len Dobbins

Ag Media Summit Photo Album

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Ag Media Summit coverage is sponsored by FMCAg Media Summit coverage is sponsored by New Holland
Ag Media Summit, Agribusiness, Audio, FMC, weed management