2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

FMC Anthem Singing Contest Nears Finalists

Chuck Zimmerman

Paul RedhageOn August 4th FMC will announce the four finalists for their Stand & Be Heard Anthem Singing Contest. At the Ag Media Summit, our sponsor, FMC, was in the InfoExpo. I stopped and visited Paul Redhage for an update.

Paul loves interacting with all the students that have entered this contest which is in its third year. He says they had 225 entries this year. As we speak the group, which had been narrowed down to 20, is now being judged to create a final four. Those four will get to go to Nashville for a studio recording session and then new voting will determine the final winner. Listen in to my interview with Paul to get a complete update.

You can listen to my interview with Paul here: Interview with Paul Redhage

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Ag Media Summit, Agribusiness, Audio, FMC