2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Best Food Facts Web Widget Available

Chuck Zimmerman

The Center for Food Integrity has created a new widget that can be used on any website to help people get answers to food questions. You can see how one version of the widget looks at the bottom of this post. I just submitted one about roast beef and got this immediate answer. I’ll update this post when I get the final answer.

Thank you for submitting a question to Best Food Facts! Rest assured, we’re working on finding the right expert to answer your question. We’ll get back to you as soon as we can!
In the meantime, see what others are asking:

Got Protein?
Partaking in the Power of Protein
Future of food – 3-D Printing

Post Update: The answer to my question.

Good morning, Chuck,

Thanks for the inquiry on Best Food Facts! When cooking roast beef, be sure to heat to an internal temperature of 145°F (don’t forget to use your meat thermometer). And since grilling season is just around the corner (we hope!), check out these grilling tips as well: How do I Grill It Safely?

If there are additional questions, please let us know – we’re happy to help!

Best regards and healthy eating,

Here’s more information about the widget.

Websites looking to help answer consumers’ questions about food now have access to a new widget from www.BestFoodFacts.org that allows readers to submit questions from their sites directly to experts who provide credible and balanced information. BestFoodFacts.org features more than 150 university-based food system experts who have done the research and serve up unbiased answers in blogs, infographics, podcasts and videos on all things food.

“Today’s consumers are asking more questions about food: Is organic healthier? Should I eat GM foods? Are there antibiotics in my meat?” said Roxi Beck with Best Food Facts. “They want balanced information to make informed choices. With the new widget, we’re providing organizations, companies, associations, bloggers and others with a tool their readers can use to access quality information.”

Created by The Center for Food Integrity, a not-for-profit organization whose mission is to build consumer trust and confidence in today’s food system, Best Food Facts aggressively tracks trending topics and solicits questions from readers – providing prompt expert feedback on issues in the news. Anyone can submit questions and receive expert responses within as few as 24 hours.

The new Best Food Facts widget can be embedded on websites in both horizontal and vertical formats allowing readers to submit questions directly to www.BestFoodFact.org. Instructions to embed the widget can be found at www.bestfoodfacts.org/ask-an-expert. For additional information, contact Roxi Beck at roxi.beck@bestfoodfacts.org.

Ag Groups, Food