2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Impressive StollerUSA Grower Panel at Classic

Cindy Zimmerman

classic14-stoller-panelWe really, really tried, but even with four people at Commodity Classic we were just unable to see and do everything, and one of the companies we regret missing was StollerUSA. However, the good news is that hundreds of growers from around the country were able to find out more of what StollerUSA has to offer from farmers like themselves.

classic14-stoller-signStollerUSA sponsored one of the first Learning Center Sessions at the Classic on “Ideas to Break Through Yield Barriers.” It was standing room only for the session where at least 600 farmers gathered to hear top growers from Illinois, Iowa, Kansas and Texas talk about their successes and failures to become local, state and national yield winners each year. Our longtime friend and colleague Ken Root was moderator for that event, as well as continued conversations with the growers at the StollerUSA booth in the trade show.

We were able to get an interview with one of those growers – Adam Watson who farms 4,000 acres of white corn, yellow corn, seed corn and soybeans in Villa Grove, Illinois. That would be thanks to the tenacious and talented Sally Behringer who tracked us down in the media room on the last day of the show!
classic14-classic-growerAdam passed on some of the yield-busting tips he had been sharing with other farmers all week, such as staying up to date on new technology. “This year we’re implementing a UAV,” he said. “We’re going to have sensors on it to give back data to us. I want to know today what I need to do tomorrow.”

Adam says he does lots of trials on his farm to learn what works and what doesn’t, and how StollerUSA products such as Bio-Forge have helped him managing plant stress and increase yields. Last year he says his yields for corn were the best ever. “We had a farm average of 213 (bushels per acre),” he said. “That put a big smile on my face.”

Find out more in this interview with Adam: Interview with Illinois farmer Adam Watson
2014 Commodity Classic Photos

Audio, Commodity Classic, Corn, Farming