2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Attendees Scoring Big With BIVI in Dallas

Joanna Schroeder

Dr. John Waddell kicks off the BIVI Swine Health Seminar in Dallas, Texas on February 28, 2014.

Dr. John Waddell kicks off the BIVI Swine Health Seminar in Dallas, Texas on February 28, 2014. Attendees are scoring big in Dallas today during the Boehringer Ingelheim (BIVI) Swine Health Seminar in the Big D.

Attendees are Scoring Big with BIVI in the Big D today at the Boehringer Ingelheim (BIVI) Swine Health Seminar taking place in Dallas, Texas. For those of you who aren’t familiar with the moniker, the Big D is Dallas Texas – the home of the Dallas Cowboys football team (this will become relevant later in my post).

The theme of today’s seminar is Running the Option: A Multifaceted Approach to PCV2 (or Porcine Circovirus). The virus was first discovered (or genetically identified) in 1974, and in essence, as Dr. Brian Payne said during his kick-off presentation – this year marks the 40th anniversary of PCV. Today, the virus has mutated into PCV2 a and b.

The seminar is covering all aspects of this virus from a diverse group of experts ranging from veterinarians from BIVI and Cargill Pork, researchers and international consultants. The in-depth presentations discussed diagnostics, control, protection and efficiency measures to prevalence and immunity, infield research, sow stability and vaccination. The event concluded with a roundtable discussion. Over the next few days, AgWired will be bringing you coverage from the event.

Now back to the BIVI kick offDallas Cowboys. The group was treated to dinner and entertainment at the At&T Cowboys Stadium where people will be meeting former Dallas Cowboy football players and current Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders. This readers, was a educational and fun day in Dallas.

Check out the BIVI Big D Swine Health Seminar photo album.

Animal Health, Boehringer Ingelheim, Swine