A Very Glassy Look

Chuck Zimmerman

Chuck's ZimmGlassIt’s time to hit the agriblogging highway and ZimmGlass will be going with me. I’ll be trying to figure out the best ways to incorporate it into my coverage of ag events starting with the American Farm Bureau Federation convention in San Antonio.

This morning I did my first live video chat via Hangouts and will probably do some impromptu Hangouts during the convention. Maybe I’ll see you there. One of the things I learned this morning was how important it is to talk to your Glass the way Glass wants you to talk to it. It was more responsive to a slower speech pace for example.

I’m going to wear it on the way to San Antonio to see what kind of reactions I get from TSA and the U.S. airport population. If it gets interesting I’ll share here and on social media. You can count on that.
