2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

New NAFB Officer Team

Leah Guffey

2014nafbofficersThe new leadership team for the National Association of Farm Broadcasters (NAFB) includes newly-elected vice president Brian Winnekins of WRDN-AM in Durand, Wisconsin.  He is pictured here with president Janet Adkison (RFD-TV and Sirius/XM Rural Radio), and president-elect, Susan Littlefield (KZEN, Columbus, NE).

Brian, along with his wife, Karla, are the owners and operators of the AM station that had been off the air for some time.  He says that even their daughter Brianna gets in on work at the station. “It was on the drive down to NAFB Convention in Kansas City that year that we wrote the business plan.  In 2011, we purchased the station and returned it to the air in 2012,” Brian says. “This year, we went to our full power, and Karla started selling full time for the station.”

Media, NAFB